Teaching Culture Through Film

Teaching Culture Through Film · 09 Februar 2025
The film Emilia Pérez has received multiple rewards but faces significant backlash in Latin America for its portrayal of Mexican culture and sensitive topics, leading to criticisms of cultural misrepresentation.

Teaching Culture Through Film · 06 Oktober 2024
Digital tools have made it easier for anyone to create, publish, and share audiovisual content online. In this context, developing film literacy is crucial, as it empowers viewers to analyse films, improving their ability to discern persuasive tactics and increase overall media literacy. Public Information Films (PIFs) are an effective resources for promoting this literacy in the classroom.

Teaching Culture Through Film · 27 November 2023
The comic reversal of cultures Going for an English sketch prompts reflection on behaviours in an intercultural situation.

Teaching Culture Through Film · 18 August 2023
British-Nigerian artist's Yinka Shonibare colourful artwork is about colonialism and hybrid cultures.

What Footloose and its remake can teach us about their times
Both the original and the remake of Footloose are eyewitness accounts of the time in which they were made.

Teaching Culture Through Film · 13 Februar 2023
This article discusses gift-giving habits and presents a commercial about the topic.

What New Year's rituals are celebrated around the world?
Teaching Culture Through Film · 20 Dezember 2022
Are New Year's celebrations similar everywhere? And why are rituals and traditions important?

A funny sketch about German stereotypes
Teaching Culture Through Film · 11 August 2022
A sketch made by Foil Arms and Hog, an Irish sketch comedy group, deals with some common stereotypes about the Germans.

Ambiguous Pictures and Different Perspectives of the World
This article describes how perception influences the way we see the world. Ambiguous pictures provide us with an impression of this phenomenon.

The film Children of a Lesser God provides us with a glimpse of the world of deaf people.

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